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Ah... if it's Vegan, I can have it! 🍷

Lostpoet · M
Give me the wine with little bacon bits in it.
DealingWithTrouble · 41-45, M
A lot of wine does use animal-based fining agents to make it clearer:

Organic compounds used as fining agents are generally animal based, a possible cause of concern to vegans.[6] The most common organic compounds used include egg whites, casein derived from milk, gelatin and isinglass obtained from the bladders of fish.

So if it doesn't say "vegan" it might contain some kind of animal-based ingredients.
IHateViolence · 36-40, M
@DealingWithTrouble Oh... today I learned 😮 thanks!
Iwillwait · M
How does your Sponsor feel about this?

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