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Do you feel like vegans look prettier?

Like they don't have oily skin, acne, unhealthy fats, puffy face or bad breath 😬
What's even better is that they look 10-20 years younger.
( plz don't tell me that you know someone who is not vegan and looks younger than their age, it's one person in a million🙄)
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Eh.. Hate to say it, but most vegans I have met look pretty sickly. That of course is because they aren’t being vegan in a healthy way, but they are vegan nonetheless. fyi.. I am one of those non-vegans who looks much younger than I am for my age IRL, so.. not that rare lol
WhateverWorks · 36-40
from what I understand a lot of diets from the Middle East have been vegan for a long time, which makes me guess that they’ve figured out how to do it in a healthy way as normalized. Where I live a lot of people who are vegan live off smoothies and/or heavily processed, imitation food that can technically be called vegan, but it’s probably terrible for you 😬. A lot of them also have eating disorders, which is really unfortunate @Hassan
Hassan · 22-25, M
@WhateverWorks yes could be. Most of the popular foods here are meatless,like rice, beans, and lentils.
Sometimes i think that I'm really grateful i live in an Arabic world bcz we've bunch of healthy vegan recipes.
You just reminded me of the meme " i turned vegan and it made me sick" written above a pic that includes pepsi, french fries, salad, noodles and biscuits.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Vegans I know don’t eat junk food. What they do is skip meals, live off fruit smoothies with all sorts of vitamins supplements dumped into them then once a day have a really pretty salad or they eat ‘fake meat’, ‘fake cheese’ etc Products. Some of these don’t taste bad or anything, but they’re heavily processed. @Hassan
Londonn · 36-40, M
quite the opposite dude, every vegan I know look pale and ill almost like ghost sorry 🤣
Londonn · 36-40, M
@Hassan nope.. every culture has their own recipes, not food. everybody uses the same ingredients you said above: beans, rice, lentils and leafy greens. so.. nobody is stopping you if you don't wanna eat meat, go ahead.. but your above observation is coming from a very narrow perspective it's so clear 😁
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Londonn · 36-40, M
@Hassan now who is getting sad hasan 😁
fuck this. Fuck vegan, you are not superior than the rest of us. Ugh.. this is why i hate vegan, they always try to promote their idiot ideals. Why they can't shut their mouth..
Chickie · F
@YukikoAmagi exactly what I was thinking! Then he tries to deny that he doesn't thinks vegans are superior. Some people die from being vegans and a lot people get deficiencies. Why can't they just leave people alone and live their life just like they do with vegans?
Hassan · 22-25, M
@YukikoAmagi if you can give up on eating meat then ofc you're superior than the kfc and McDonald's generations 😝 it takes too much strength. When you can control what you eat then you can control your mind.
@Chickie ugh.. they are so stupid that i want to make post about this stupidity 🤣
BlueVeins · 22-25
Thank you baby 🤗
LostAngel · 22-25, F
Intersting, all the vegans I known/met look like they're on the brink of death. Yet the people I know that dont abstain from eating meat look much healthier/younger..
Iwillwait · M
I do believe what your input is, reveals in your output.
Environment (including entertainment)
Hassan · 22-25, M
@Iwillwait finally someone who's not afraid that they have to give up eating at kfc
Iwillwait · M
@Hassan Whoa-Whoe-HAWHOEE! "Let's not get all drastic n stuff." 🤨
Iwillwait · M
Wtf is KFC?
Hassan · 22-25, M
@PepsiColaP your pics are the middle finger that i can raise proudly to prove my point. 😬
But i try to be more civilized although we can start a civilization outta em.
Kinda lost haha
ezxlly · 16-17, F
well first of all , u are making ppl think they're ugly im not saying you r intentionally doing it . Im trying to say everyone in this world is pretty
I'm a fat ugly vegan. Try again.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@Nadie you're not even vegan
@Hassan you know my diet?
@Nadie Fig & prosciutto salad
[image/video deleted]
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
*laughs in carnivore*
LemonWorld · F
I have dry skin and i eat burgers tf
Chickie · F
Why are you trying to have a contest on how vegans are better? I knew a teacher who's a health nut and her skin was wrinkley, burnt from too much tanning and she looked scraggly.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@Chickie I'm not, it's just what I'm seeing . I said in the last phrase that there could be exceptions.
I know women who gave birth to a fine baby in their 40s and others to a baby with fatal ailments.
That doesn't mean that I'm competing 😬
It's just a truth.
Too much tanning will burn your skin no matter what your diet is.
We're talking about diet here
Chickie · F
@Hassan but you said the except is one in a million.

There are tribal people who live in remote areas who eat meat and still have clear skin. It's the processed/bad food that gives you bad skin.

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