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I Love Tea

In my student house, me and the other lads have a teapot we'll bring out if we're all at home at around teatime. We'll just go into one of the bedrooms usually with the tray, and just chill out together drinking tea and chatting. It's a great way of relaxing I find. I'll miss that sort of thing when I move out next year.
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I remember doing very much the same at our student house. Chatting and laughing late into the night, basking in the warm glow of comradery that would last well beyond our years at uni. To gather in an intimate fashion and break bread, joining in a brief repast over something hot.

There is nothing quite like a piping cup of tea, served well, to restore order and civility to ones day. Glad to see even in youth, the fine British tradition upheld.
trackboy · 26-30, M
wow lot of tea? green tea??? lot different from college housing here where they sit around drinking beer.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Gauntlets28 hmm quiz while drunk! that has to be funny with the answers you get. chatting is lot of fun. love drinking games. favorite is contest seeing how many glasses of beer without breaking the seal. which is taking that first piss when your drinking beer then after that your peeing often. you done that game???
Gauntlets28 · 26-30, M
@trackboy No, but I will when I get the chance! Seriously though, you never done a proper pub quiz? That's what life's all about, a bunch of drunk guys trying to remember who sang what song, when! Besides, you win another pint if you're the winning team.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Gauntlets28 drink and hold is awesome fun. you are encouraging each other to hold it longer when one weakens and want to go pee. lot of talking about experiences playing sports while busting for a piss as your doing the drink and hold game with your friends. music to loud in clubs here for people to do pub quizzes. usually you will go and dance when struggling to hold it as can hold it a lot longer as long as your dancing.
MissTerious · 46-50, F
Gauntlets28 · 26-30, M
What? We're students. We get a lot of time off. And we're all caffeine addicts!
MissTerious · 46-50, F
@Gauntlets28: it all sounds very civilised thats all😉
Gauntlets28 · 26-30, M
@MissTerious: You should see the teapot! And it's also very economic. Four people, two teabags for a pot. :)

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