Happy New Year. Last meal of the year!
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Looks great!
Metalbarbie · 22-25, F
Ew clams lol . Happy new year, enjoy! 😊
JonLosAngeles66 · M
@Metalbarbie that was the best dish for me. lol. Different tastes makes the world go round!
RachelLia2003 · 22-25, F
those are insects. idk why ppl eat them🙄
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@RachelLia2003 Insects? Where?
RachelLia2003 · 22-25, F
@novaguy2u red thing
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@RachelLia2003 Lobster, a crustacean, not an insect. However insects, such as crickets, have been a dietary staple in parts of Africa and Asia for millennia.
AdaXI · T
Looks really nice Jon🙂

JonLosAngeles66 · M
@AdaXI Happy New Year!