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Like a nomad, life feels different

Yet, again, I am procrastinating packing and fguring out the crap I need to bring in with me to the new place.

I feel like I've seen this movie before, having this at the back of my mind, but not acting on it until last minute. Obviously, with my move to Canada, it was such a bigger thing, but I have the same feeling.

I've been moving around so much. When my mother passed away, I knew that I was going to move around so much and I knew that this was going to be my exact route back where I lived and in Canada. I can say that my next home will be more stable and will be my home for longer, but it doesn't end there, I know that.

After spending pretty much all my life in two houses, and sleeping every night there, at the same time and place, I became like a nomad.

This is my fourth home in only two years, of course that's apart from the places I briefly visited and slept somewhere else. But I am only counting here the places I lived in.

Since tomorrow is off, I might try to do some packing and inventorying.. I guess. I am not sleepy after that powernap anyway.
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