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Shit that needs to get done

I wish I wasn't such a sentimental foolish, potato.. Sorting out through my stuff, wouldn't have been that difficult. I have been trying to sort out some papers to see which I need to get rid of, and which I will take with me to Canada. This has been going on for like a few days now, when anyone would have finished this task in two hours max.. It is because I linger and get nostalgic...I think, and then I sip coffee... then I listen to some music, and have a cry... and I think over and over again if I should throw something..

Some papers remind me of bad days... really bad days. Like when I first moved into my new apartment, only two weeks after my mother passed away, and I was feeling lost and out of place... There were a lot of things that I had to do for the first time in my life, and I wasn't sure how they are done... Something as silly as getting a filter for the water for example... and, I am not saying that figuring out that stuff is difficult, but when you are not in a good mental state to begin with, and are already feeling alone/insecure/unsupported and are mourning a loss, then these simple stuff become huge tasks...

But that's not the point... Point is, Why do I need to leave papers that remind me of that day???? Or other days at the hospital with my mother?? Like really, what good could come out of it...

....But I want to keep them.. YET I DO NOT WANT TO CARRY WITH ME ALL SORTS OF CRAP. I want a fresh start, and I don't want this mess of things lying around.

The Syrians have a word to describe someone with a heart like mine, and i just love it, but it is very difficult to translate to English... In a way, we could say, "torn up heart" but I don't think it is the right fit... Whatever.. shit needs to get done.. I think I will try throw things away, because in a couple of years, I will probably not remember that I had them...
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
If there is stuff you can't decide if you'll need/want later, you could always scan or photograph them and stick it in your email or a docs folder on the computer.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@AntisocialTroll Yea I did that with many photo albums.. I scanned and will leave the actual photos here. Somethings can't be exactly scanned though.. or won't be the same if scanned.. but it is a good idea, I might scan the things that i feel would like to have at least a soft copy of.
I think AntisocialTroll suggestion is a solution. You can create a new Google account and verify it, you can have up to 4 accounts. Then scan those papers and upload them on Google drive and just save the email and password somewhere so you can access it if when you want to.
firefall · 61-69, M
Be ruthless, throw it out if in any doubt. Its SO easy to drag useless crap around the world, and so frustrating
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@firefall I needed to hear that 🥔😡
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@firefall i really need you around dueing my move preparations
firefall · 61-69, M
@BittersweetPotato Im with you in spirit, and here or FB. Wish I could be right there

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