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I'm tired of Potato thinking she's wiser than me while her own profile says otherwise. How many layers can a Potato have?! 👶🥔

This ends now @BittersweetPotato 🙄
I been keeping this for a rainy day 🤭

Nanori · F
I mean it shows how rare it is that she had to lable and announce those moments.
@Nanori And that's not very wise from her😅
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
I love how both of you love each other so much. You two are so beautiful
@Eddiesolds Thank you haha it's just platonic 🤭 But I appreciate the thought and of course I love Potato.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether We all love Potato. Lol! And Potatoes! Lmao
Enough with all this flirting! It's about time you ask her to marry her. 🙄
@NerdyPotato 😂 You Potatoes have a weird imagination
You two tickle me (beams with pride). 🤗
@bijouxbroussard You're welcome 🤗 😊
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@BittersweetPotato I will wear the report with pride 👶 I'll live on the edge I'll be evil Baby Face 😡

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