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I got called fat by the woman On the bus who I posted abour

So im now in mac donalds eating large fries and drinking coffee. Its also my first mac donalds fries since I was about 12 because as you know I used to be anoerxic , but im not that girl anymore. And I rather be seen as fat than ignorant.
Iwillwait · M
Worry not about the opinions of the passenger. Be good, be kind to yourself and others. 🤗
I know im not fat , im in anoerixa recovery , she just got really mad and called me it so I know it has nothing to do with me , just some people cope by taking their problems and inscurities out on others. The old me would have starved themselfs and made themselfs that ill they would have to go to hospital but Im not that gitl anymore. @Iwillwait
Iwillwait · M
@SW-User I love that you k ow this and stated it in writing. You're doing great!
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Tell her “well that’s weird because im a stripper and your husband is always at the club throwing money at my fat ass”

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