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bookerdana · M
ya can't eat tobacco 🥺
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bookerdana · M
@Grateful4you Hit SHARE>>copy we don't embed ..thats what changer...but you can copy and paste from the top of the youtube page.....
Grateful4you · M
@bookerdana Ok, I'll try it later. Thanks!
bookerdana · M
@Grateful4you Booooooooooo..yer copping out!👻
Grateful4you · M
I thought so too. The Chef was actually quite outstanding, very modest and artistic in presentation. I was a Julia Child fan but never learned the, "Art of French Cooking"...A guy named "Jamie" has a YouTube, "Julia and Jamie" (The anti-chef) who is learning to cook via her two cooking books and he doing really well.
I've been cooking for decades and he is already far ahead of me.
I've been cooking for decades and he is already far ahead of me.
Grateful4you · M
@RedBaron Yes, I was watching Julia Child probably before you were born. I only learned one dish. A "Beets Vichycoisse" a cold potato/beets soup.
RedBaron · M
@Grateful4you No. I was born a couple of years before the show started in the early 60s. And I believe it's Cordon BLEU.
Grateful4you · M
@RedBaron Yes, you're right. My spelling ain't the best.
RedBaron · M
bijouxbroussard · F
That sounds really gross…🤢