If you have a Panera Bread nearby buy a $20 gift card, and sign up for the three months free Sip Club offer. You can switch out between a variety of hot and cold drinks. They never should of told me about the offer.
AlienWhitePower · 36-40
@Dignaga their coffee is rancid
AlienWhitePower · 36-40
@Dignaga so in other words
GunFinger · F
Starbucks coffee probably is relaxing because of the environment, the packaging and their customer service whereas dunkin coffee is only fast food they don't have time to be pleasant. - just my experience.
Probably less caffeine in Dunkin
Spoiledbrat · F
@Guardian I didn't like their iced coffee. I never went back.
@Spoiledbrat I prefer Tim Horton's Steeped Tea!
Spoiledbrat · F
@Guardian I bet it's good. I don't have one around here.
Spoiledbrat · F
I used to love Starbucks.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
What they putting in the starbucks?
AlienWhitePower · 36-40
@Lilliesandlight i think they are giving me some kind of anti depressant
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@AlienWhitePower hmmm, interesting 🤔
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Because you know you overpaid for some burnt coffee at starpukes