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is it okay to have a bacon sandwich once in a while

i manage diabetes type 2, so have to watch what i eat....i used to like bacon butties/ sandwiches on a time, so i wondered would it be okay to have a grilled bacon sandwich from time to time? like i used to? not all the time but 'occasionally'. it wouldn't harm me?
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Achelois · F
Bread can have a lot of sugar in, maybe find one with less sugar or go to bakery that’s makes them without sugar.

Even better learn to make your own. 🥪 lots of easy recipes online to make quick easy sugar free bread.
swirlie · F
I don't have diabetes and yet I totally avoid bacon at all cost, even Canadian bacon which is the best you can buy and which is much more lean than bacon that is produced in the USA.

The reason I avoid bacon is because pigs eat their own feces in a pig pen what pigs eat then becomes stored within the fat cells on a strip of bacon. If you are one who believes that you are what you eat, just keep a pig's diet in mind the next time you're tempted to fry up some bacon for a sandwich!
swirlie · F
I guess you've never stood in a pig pen wearing rubber boots and watched pigs dine at feeding time, huh?
Achelois · F

I don’t recall I have 😲
swirlie · F
I don't recommend that experience for anyone's bucket list.
Wiseacre · F
I recommend bacon and eggs sans the bread.
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
Moderation is key! Go for it
On smaller slices of whole grain bread might be ok once in awhile

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