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It's wearing on me today.

Having only partial taste really sucks.
Meats are the most difficult.
Would someone mindmeld with me and eat a thick juicy steak please. I can do the potato myself.

The WW2 vet I used to take care of couldn't taste or enjoy food either, but I kept him alive when he stopped eating solid foods by a mixture of Sam's Club Bone Broth (comes in 4 to 5 different kinds). He would drink it straight up.

That in combination with the Ensure kept him going. Right before Covid hit he went into a home, and wasted away because doctors, including his daughter were convinced based on studies a person can survive off just Ensure each day. My visits were rare due to covid guidelines, but he was wasting away slowly. It was the lack of protein.

Before he gave up on solid foods, he would eat eggs alot. That's nearly 50% absorption of protein matter. It's less with meat, but other stuff is in meat as well.

He was expected to die quickly when he went liquid only (his choice, his wife was in a panic) but I kept him going a few years. It has to be bone broth, most brands look similar but are not bone broth. It is hard to get a hold of in stkres as it is literally a life and death struggle to get a hold of, as many people need it to survive and walmart doesn't give enough shelf space to it, but you said you order most stuff online and walmart does deliver.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Motzu I'm doing Boost very high calorie supplements. Totally against diabetic rules. But I'm unique because of the cause and my high metabolism. I control it with insulin and my A1C stays acceptable. I force myself one solid simple meal every day. It's calorie desperation to keep from losing weight. The diabetic diet would kill me.
Taste buds impacted from covid?
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@BizSuitStacy Yeah that will do it. That's what made me diabetic. My biggest issue is the constant congestion and coughing to clear it. I have an inhaler for COPD because I'm an almost ex smoker. 1 a day make my own. But I don't think I actually have it because I don't notice any change using it. But that's what keeps me in. I feel like it makes me annoying to be around.
@Gibbon did the chemo damage your pancreas?
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@BizSuitStacy That's the theory. My oncologist, who is a legend in the field, said it was entirely possible. It happened quickly and when I was first tested my A1C was literally off the chart. I became the same emotional mess as when I was first diagnosed with non hodgkins.
Lilymoon · F
Why only partial taste?
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Lilymoon It's long story to do with my sinuses and a mild bought with covid. I experienced complete loss of taste years ago from radiation. That memory allows me to force myself to eat but solid food is not enjoyable.
Gosh that must be wearing on your sanity 😟

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