Butter board safety
I heard that there's something new called "butter boards" where you smear butter into a board in dance designs then season and decorate it. It sounds interesting but I have a few concerns. The board should be a neutral wood or it could impact the flavor. Then there's the issues of cross contamination and bacteria. I have my serve-safe certificate so based on what I remember... European butters are usually made with cream that has been cultured so it will probably fight off newcomers but American butters are not. In my opinion it would still still best to sterilize the board before using it then cover it with fresh clean plastic film or foil. If the board is plastic then run it through a dishwasher with a heated rinse and dry that is at least 180° F. Or follow one of these protocols:
The finished work should be refrigerated and not left out more than two hours. At which point it should be discarded or used in baking or some other process whereby it is sterilized with heat.
The finished work should be refrigerated and not left out more than two hours. At which point it should be discarded or used in baking or some other process whereby it is sterilized with heat.