booboo · M
uh, no thanks...I've seen how they are made..that'll quench your appetite immediately
Syndrosa · F
Spare me that and I'll spare you a box.
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Syndrosa · F
Gosh darnit!
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Syndrosa · F
@IstillmissEP: I've had two cups already, yet the chicken nugget craving prevails. Perhaps this is because I didn't eat much yesterday? XD
Serenitree · F
I didn't like them before someone showed me a video of them being made. That picture isn't likely to change my mind. So, another nay vote here.

those aren't McNuggets tho
Syndrosa · F
Yes but I'd be okay with any kind. Mcdonalds just so happens to be the closest place with them in my area, which is why I spoke about them.
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Syndrosa · F
Doesn't everyone?