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zxwrose · 36-40, F
when you say arthritis I wonder is it your leg or any anatomy, when you exercise you may feel the pain. Many people above say about eating right food and be happy, to be honest I'm losing weight and lost 7kg. Is it based on what they say? Partly. But serving is important, more we take body absorb, when burn fat, it's not enough. Metabolism play major role. Vitamins can help to lose weight because it's supplement to body be active. I bought magnesium is to reduce cramp but then realize I lost weight. You need magnesium it help with muscle, it's muscle vitamins.

xRedx · M
Eliminating sugar alone can help a lot since it increases fat growth. I'd say stick to a cardio workout, one that doesn't require the use of your hands like running.
NyaNya · 26-30, F
@xRedx This.

Just eliminate sugar. It shows a crazy difference in your body.
xRedx · M
@NyaNya It really does, not depending on sugar feels pretty amazing
I've got the same dilemma except I'm 110 pounds, 5'2 and 21. I could lose a lil weight but for you at 100 pounds you just need to exercise. Prob find some specific exercises which are easy for you to do
Live diet..
Ride sports..swim...lift burpees.
Get enough sleep...
Replace fake sugary foods ...with healthy fats like guacamole...laugh ...relax...have fun...
just so you know, not everyone is capable of having a flat stomach. i've known girls with anorexia that held on to a little pooch well into an underweight bmi.
@SW-User yeah you need exercise for dat
ChiyoSKL · 31-35, F
Honestly at that weight and height I’d say you just need to tone your abs. Maybe some light cardio... I wouldn’t change too much though.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Do what exercises you can but you are not overweight, so don’t stress about a little belly.

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