You mean the serving sizes listed on food packages in the nutrition information? Oh hell yes. They are always ridiculously small to make the foods look healthier. Take peanut butter for example. I tablespoon is a serving? WTF are you going to do with anything less than 5 or 6? Or cereal, a half cup of Corn flakes? What the hell?
@PavlovsPuppy There has been pushes to make listed serving sizes be realistic and what one would actually eat but there is always fight against it from food industry lobbyists.
@MethDozer I agree with that, because what you said is really true. No one is realistically going to eat only one tablespoon of peanut butter. Also, I think it leads to a lot of people underestimating how many calories that a food truly has.
@PavlovsPuppy That's the whole point. They can them claim it isn't the food that is too high in sugar or salt or whatever and put it on the consumer using too much.