Is it a trick question Sire ? Cos I'd lose the test here :)
@SW-User 😅
iQuit · F
🙉you have to watch this then...
Serenitree · F
I don't think so, but lots of soups could be made with some kind of cereal as an ingredient, I suppose. Not talking about kid cereals, like fruit loops etc.
frogpond · 70-79, M
No, cereal has its own classification as a food group. However if not eaten within several minutes it does move into the food group classification of soggy mush.
Soup is a recipe, cereal is a group of ingredients. Kinda?
@SW-User Yes it is XD
Azariah777 · 26-30, M
No joke I actually got my coworkers arguing about this. I just started asking this as a stupid question and David says, "No cause it ain't hot." Then Nick says, "But what about hot cereal?" Then I heard them arguing about it down the hall and I just keep going after David like, "So soup is not soup unless it is hot? So are cans of vegetable soup not soup unless you heat it uo?" He was frustrated to say the least.
Serenitree · F
@Azariah777 And, what about borscht and vichyssoise? Both are soup, served chilled.
Azariah777 · 26-30, M
I definitely gotta keep bugging him now
Serenitree · F
@Azariah777 😉