AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
😞🤢 I never had to do that...the only thing I really didn't like was spinach. I like it now..but I prefer it raw in a salad. And Dad didn't like liver either so I was saved.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@AlmostAnAngel For fear of it tasting like canned spinach, I put off for the longest trying raw spinach - now I eat it all the time, which si what made me think of the question.
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
@frequentlyme Funny how our taste changes as we grow older.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Tried to make me eat pork after I said I wouldn't it any more...I refused and didn't have any supper it was put in the refrigerator for breakfast...didn't eat breakfast either and went to school and had lunch cause I had a lunch ticket. I was expecting the pork chop to be waiting on a plate for my supper but it was gone and they knew I meant business skipping two meals in a row.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@cherokeepatti We didn't ahve a lunch ticket program - we either brought money, or a sack lunch. Dad was shall we say, stubborn, and so was I. I refused to eat the liver that night, the next morning, and for dinner the next night. Mom gave in tossed it out after dinner and sneaked me a sandwich. I think she and Dad had an argument over it alter that night; but I never had to eat liver again. Win mom! Win me!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@frequentlyme I can't stand liver either....would put it on my tongue and say "try it" and my tongue would come back out with the liver on it...I called it "dirty meat" and I was about 3-4 years old....
Crickets · 46-50, F
Pork of any kind. I used to eat everything else on my plate, but lied when it came to the pork chops or ribs. I always threw the meat in the bushes by our house. Then my dad decided to trim it... Thankfully he respected the fact I didn't like eating meat growing up. As a teen he would give me money every day to buy my own meal for supper.
I'm so glad he didn't push me into doing what he wanted me to do when it came to what I wanted feed myself.
I'm so glad he didn't push me into doing what he wanted me to do when it came to what I wanted feed myself.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I love liver. :p
Cooked turnip I always found disgusting. I`d eat it raw.
Cooked turnip I always found disgusting. I`d eat it raw.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Degbeme So! You are the one that the butcher keeps that nasty stuff for. 😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@frequentlyme Oh yeah! That and kidney. Steak and kidney pie is the best. ;)
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Degbeme 😱
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I can not think of anything mom or dad made that I didn't eat.
That is not the case of one particular babysitter. I never could nor ever will it eat Brussel sprouts solely because of her.
That is not the case of one particular babysitter. I never could nor ever will it eat Brussel sprouts solely because of her.
Gingerbreadspice · F
Except for vegetables. I remember my parents would often order Chinese food and when I was a young child I hated it but I absolutely love it now. I don’t even mind most vegetables now.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Gingerbreadspice My adopted Aunt was Chinese and had a Chinese Restaurant when I was growing up, so I ate Chinese whenever I wanted. 😁
lorne13 · 61-69, M
I refused to eat hamburger, I'd dump the patty out and eat the bun with the tomato and pickles and whatever, after a few times the gave me hot dogs instead, don't remember why I hated the burgers now
Classy · 22-25, F
Yuck! That doesn’t sound pleasant at all. Mine are steak, pork and Lima beans. My dad makes me eat his practically rare steak. Like that thing is all red, no brown, no pink, just red and bloody. I’m not a vegetarian, I just don’t like how he ‘cooks’ it, and pork, well I can’t eat pork because
1.) there’s absolutely no flavor
2.) it’s so dry, it’s disgusting. I always choke it down with some liquid.
1.) there’s absolutely no flavor
2.) it’s so dry, it’s disgusting. I always choke it down with some liquid.
Lol that's child abuse in today's society
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@RadiantRuby Yah, I thought so too, even way back then. Not that anybody cared... especially Dad. 😁
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
Broad beans.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@NankerPhelge Hmmm, I don't think mom's rear ever came up at the dinner table. 😂
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@frequentlyme What the fuck?
GingerPeach · F
I hated just about everything as a kid except hamburgers and pancakes.
Boy has that changed, I like just about everything now but I still hate liver.
Boy has that changed, I like just about everything now but I still hate liver.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@GingerPeach Hamburgers and pancakes... sounds like a well rounded palate to me. 😂
Bluemoon · 26-30
I used to hate caviar as a child, but somehow learned to love it as an adult haha
Mondayschild · F
I hate that part of a turnip that looks like a potato.
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Mondayschild I can't remember for sure, but I don't think I've ever had a turnip. Not in any hurry to try either. 😉
Mondayschild · F
@frequentlyme oh and I hate rhubarb😖
frequentlyme · 70-79, M
@Mondayschild Me too... except in rhubarb pie. My Aunt used to make the best rhubarb pie.