Fried food
Sarabee · 41-45
Low about making chocolate noodles with strawberries n cool whip yum
AlbinoWoman · 31-35, F
Oh god my stomach @Sarabee
Sarabee · 41-45
@AlbinoWoman or make marble noodles
Dan509 · 26-30, M
Chocolate noodles should be a thing!
AlbinoWoman · 31-35, F
@Dan509 it doesn’t sound terrible just not right lol
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
I hate cooking :(
AlbinoWoman · 31-35, F
Why ? @NakedExperiment
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
@AlbinoWoman Because it's tedious, often messy, I have no interest in it at all and it takes too long.
AlbinoWoman · 31-35, F
Different strokes for different folks @NakedExperiment
english · 56-60, M
here in Canada we are fortunate to have a lot of road kill 🤣
AlbinoWoman · 31-35, F
😋 @english
english · 56-60, M
@AlbinoWoman we call it natures larder 🤣 some of us do. hey meet a good friend of mine she just wants to say hi her name deni 🙋