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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
RIGHHHT! Its the actual exchange that is at fault..I would like it noted that I dont believe that shorting a stock or even day trading are "investing" They are gambling, pure and simple. You make a bet something is going to happen and if it does you win and the other guy loses.. (and the broker takes a cut so the House always wins..) Although it should be remembered that trump has zero experience with public companies and did manage to sent his casino bankrupt. Based on performance so far and the trend in the industry the platform operates in, the stock isnt even worth the cost of printing certificates. And it does look like Trump organised it so badly even he wont make any money out of it...
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
For a company generating minimal turnover and zero profits it’s hardly surprising they would plummet.
ElwoodBlues · M
Must be a giant conspiracy. The loss of $58.2 million last year on just $4.1 million in revenue couldn't possibly have a negative affect on stock valuations,
BohemianBabe · M