hartfire thing about energy is there is never enough.
It's not about the sources it's about how energy can be made to be useful.
If you really think about it everything is made up of energy.... E=mc². Yet what is anything but a mass with all kinds of energy as it's components.
Yet how do you utilize that energy and make it useful. The ways to do so are limited. Especially if you want to do so in a ecological way.
Solar panels actually are inefficient compared to say fusion power which is truly on it way soon. Even that won't be enough.
We must look to far more than just energy for personal needs, which we are barely touching the surface.
We must look to energy for industry which requires ten times more than us.
We must look to energy for shipment of goods, not just locally yet all across the world and into space.
The needs for energy (demand) far far out out weights the supply.