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Share price movements

Use a spreadsheet to display the daily price movements of Bid Corporation LTD share individually, relative to the overall market and relative to the relevant sector index. (Hint: you can’t use the same scale for share price and index level). You are to carefully describe movements in your share price giving well-reasoned explanations for developments. (Hint: share price movements can be related to the whole market and not only firm specific, following movements in the press on the market as well as your share will greatly assist in this task).

I need assistance in understanding what this question mean.
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meJess · F
It’s a comparison chart of one company compared to other companies producing similar things and also compared to a stock market index.

So a bank compared to the banking sector and also compared to the S&P for instance. Make sure that the index level is correctly calculated versus an individual share.
Amanda8 · 31-35, F
Why are people still investing in the lousy stock market?

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