I Love the Ufc
Conor McGregor.
A force of nature, fearless, a heart on fire.
Congratulations on a beautiful performance.
No, it wasn't as Mayweather said, a mere dance.
You dominated those first rounds.
Your skill level was evident admist all the sounds.
You connected punches, used footwork, took hits.
You proved that yes you can box, and that no one can omit.
He had no way of survival other than waiting until the end.
But you held your head up high to yourself defend.
I still say you won that fight.
And I have every right.
When you're on your best you're untouchable.
Conor McGregor you are a force indestructible.
You showed poise, fortitude, and respect at the end.
That sportsmanship and kindness at the end was genuine and not pretend.
You inspire people to take on great feats.
And not coward down in fear of defeats.
You will never be defeated.
You always get back up, and your victories are repeated.
Thank you Conor.
You are a man of complete honor.
A force of nature, fearless, a heart on fire.
Congratulations on a beautiful performance.
No, it wasn't as Mayweather said, a mere dance.
You dominated those first rounds.
Your skill level was evident admist all the sounds.
You connected punches, used footwork, took hits.
You proved that yes you can box, and that no one can omit.
He had no way of survival other than waiting until the end.
But you held your head up high to yourself defend.
I still say you won that fight.
And I have every right.
When you're on your best you're untouchable.
Conor McGregor you are a force indestructible.
You showed poise, fortitude, and respect at the end.
That sportsmanship and kindness at the end was genuine and not pretend.
You inspire people to take on great feats.
And not coward down in fear of defeats.
You will never be defeated.
You always get back up, and your victories are repeated.
Thank you Conor.
You are a man of complete honor.
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