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I'm in love with a fictional character [I Fell In Love With A Fictional Character]

I've never told anyone this before, not even my closest friends, but I've fallen in love with a fictional character. He's so special to me, I don't know what I would do without him. I love him so much, I began to feel as if I loved him more than my partner at the time. We broke up for unrelated reasons, but I'm ok being alone if that means I can still be with him and love him as much as I want. Sometimes I get deeply depressed that he isn't real, but I remind myself that I'm here, I'm alive, and I have him, and as long as I do, I should be happy and be the best person I can be for him.
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Eternity · 26-30, M
Ah so you've converted to christianity?
I'm attracted to a fictional character but still love my husband. Its a nice escape from reality to fantasize.
@SW-User How do you manage this? Is your husband upset by it?
Just enjoy your fantasy but realize its not real. Just a nice escape from reality.@booberry
I think that character represent everything you want in a guy.

My favourite character would be Himura Kenshin.
RichtofensWife · 41-45, F
I totally understand everything you’ve said. I felt that with my heart. It’s definitely not something you want to go around just telling folks about. The scrutiny we would get if we did! There’s no way around it, once you fall in love with some idea of someone if you will, it’s no different than loving a celebrity that you can’t have even if they are real. How long have you loved this person?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
What fictional character is it?
Gleen · 22-25, M
I wouldn't mind an anime girlfriend
Rambler · 61-69, M
The imagination is a wonderful thing

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