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How to write an SW political post.

1. Take a news article most people are already familiar with.
2. Add things unsaid by the source or slant it out of factual context.
3. Post, and watch the usual suspects go crazy with spite and outrage, and a few home made memes pretending to be to be facts.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Yes the liberal playbook
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@deadgerbil well you two can get to know each other in that special way
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@MasterLee thank you for your permission to do that, masterdumbas$
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@deadgerbil ah the great liberal comeback.
You just described every Budwick post.
@SW-User you don't like him?
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
That or you'll encounter people who make big claims and refuse to back up their stuff. When asked to, you'll get "do your own research"
Budwick · 70-79, M
Take a news article most people are already familiar with.

I wouldn't want to assume that everyone knows about every stupid thing Biden does.
@Budwick I’m so grateful you’ve taken on the profound and crucial obligation to make sure everyone knows the stories important to you…
Budwick · 70-79, M
profound and crucial

It's what I do.
You are welcome.
2.A Caricature your political and social enemies to have views far from their stated views.
2.B Make your political and social enemies responsible for phenomena entirely outside their power on the basis of either a) distortion of their views or b) making shit up.

4. Accuse anyone who resorts to the facts as being partisan.
5. Accuse anyone who questions as being an ideological enemy.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I don't do political posts all that often. Yet I have noticed the biggest political trolls don't do political posts at all. They just troll with replies. Often not even to the original poster. I suspect they are afraid of their reply being deleted. And want their half truths or outright lies to spread.

Also anyone that uses memes in a political post I consider a troll. I absolutely never use memes in political posts nor in any kind of post. Mostly because it's not my own work and I would have to give some kind of source for it.

If I do post a political post with quotes, I always post a link to that source, even in replies. It helps to clarify the issue.

Few refuse to even say what their sources are. So they can hide the real truth.
What do you think of paid propoganda on sw
Yeah, that's the lazy way, maybe, but some of us try and find nuggets that not everyone is familiar with and work on 2 and 3 from that.
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
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