I Have Persuaded My Wife To Go Black
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It all started for Mary and myself while grocery shopping and an interracial couple was checking out that had three young interracial children close together in age.The wife caught me smiling approvingly and smiled back at me hnowingly I approved. I whispered to Mary that I thought children looked nice and she agreed. I asked Mary if she would ever consider having interracial children and she surprised me in sayong she thought she may like having interracial children.The next week we were visiting marys mother and brother and we saw their next door neighbor bo in her string bikini entertaining her black boyfriend in his speedo swim suit and I smiled as Bo who motioned ne to come over. I went over and Bo motoined up to talk behing her garage and aid you should get Mary a black boyfriend like her husband did and I agreed and asked if Bo could help getting mary to go black, Bo said her boyfriend had black friends that could help Mary go black. I motioned for Mary to come over and Bo filled her in and sked to take pictures o f Mary so her boy fiend could interest them into calling Mary Mary said sure and I knew that maybe Mary has consented in going black. The next week Bo called and asked Mary to come down next Saturday because on her boyfriends black friends wanted to meet her. She also asked Mary to wear a bikini to sow she ready to go black. Nary agreed and the following Saturday morning Mary put on her new string bikkin and black high heels and nothing else and was to go. When we arrived at Bo.s house I parked in front so Mary had to walk up the long concrete driveway to the back yard where we were introduced to Roger the black man Mary had been talking to on the telephone all week. Roger shook my hand and thanked me for bringing Mary. Roger than introduced himself to Mary shaking her hand than he pulled Mary into his body and began kissing Mary gently at first than his tongue was inside Marys mouth exploring Marys body. Mary repond by undulating he hips into Roger body his cock growing inside his speedo. Bo walked ith me to my car and commented that she thought Mary was going to go black this weekend and she would be here for toe weekend maybe longer. I went home howin it going to happen to Mary now.[image/video - please log in to see this content]
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