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The forecast last night indicated temperatures would drop throughout the Bay Area…

Possibly going into the 30s (Fahrenheit—that’s really cold for us) and I live in an old building that gets cold, so I put on extra blankets, including an electric throw that automatically turns off after awhile.

I also unearthed a union suit that I’d bought a couple of winters ago when I was staying with friends in Blue Canyon. There I experienced temps in the 20s and 10s, the way people with seasons actually do. The only thing with this suit is that it doesn’t have the drop seat that the originals did, making bath room trips a bit of a hassle—but I stayed warm throughout the night. It "warmed" up to the 40s by morning.

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@bijouxbroussard The union suit 😆 reminded me of growing up in Massachusetts. My 2 brothers and I wore them every Winter, they had the Poop Shute. Perhaps you could make one by cutting the opening and adding a different piece of cloth for the Poop Shute. Be creative, maybe an old towel cut to size, with flowers on it or smiley faces. There is a glue for cloth and fabric, tv advertisement 'Mighty Mendit' for the bottom edge and Velcro dots or strips for the top. Maybe you could model it on the Red Carpet in Hollywood and start a new trend. Have fun 😄. ❤
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Based on limited experience, I associate winter in the San Francisco area with drafty buildings.

On the other hand....

It was negative 14 here this morning, and has warmed up to negative 7.

But it is sunny with almost no wind, so Minnesotans call this a pleasant January day.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Is it possible that you can get a nice room heater? I hate being cold. Right now i have the furnace on up to 24. I wish i could send this heat over to you. Man thats frikken sad that you are cold in the house.
@Eddiesolds Thank you. I actually do have a space heater. I tend to use it sparingly because it runs the electric bill up. 😊
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard How.much.is the bill? Ill.pay for it..Pease dont worry. Just stay warm.
@Eddiesolds That’s so kind. Usually during the day, it’s not that cold, and I’m used to our weather. Now in places back East, I don’t know how I’d fare. 😄
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Tomorrows forecast is supposed to dip as low as 29°F. That's cold for Vegas and there's the wind chill. I realized I forgot to buy gloves yesterday

Stay warm over there
@caPnAhab Brrr ! 🥶
You, too. 🤗
JustNik · 51-55, F
I like the cold. All the stuff you need to keep warm is soft and cozy. At least until I get a hot flash and have to throw it off. 🤣 stay cozy bijoux!
@JustNik I prefer cold to hot weather—there are more options for staying warm than cooling down. 😄
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Possibly 33°f next Sunday as the low, they are saying for the desert here.

Highs anywhere from 62 to 81°f.
bookerdana · M
A Union suit😀 Wow,,they still evidently sell em

We're getting ❄ and progressively declining sub freezing temps

@bookerdana Yikes ! 🥶☃⛄❄
bookerdana · M
@bijouxbroussard I hate hate,hate,hate..did I say hate..snow,but the temps its not out of the ordinary for a NY winter
msros · F
Wish it would rain in the wildfire areas.
@msros Yes ! Part of the problem has been that it’s so dry.
Up here, the weather gets warmer when rain is coming.
tindrummer · M
Had to keep the furnace off night before last because of the lithium battery fire at Moss Landing.
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@uncalled4 Yeah, it’s a matter of what one’s used to. I don’t love temperatures over 80, either. Something I think about whenever I consider leaving the state.
bowman81 · M
Pictures or it didn't happen. 🤣. You in the union suit.

Laughing with you not at you. I have a few sets too.
MethDozer · M
People her made fun of my union suit and called a onesie

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