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Have you ever been to a topless party?

No but most of the ones i go to people are nude.x
@MaryesK9 Just a guess..........but no man there noticed anyone else but you. ;-)
MaryesK9 · 56-60, F
Yes - quite a few totally naked....
Topless with a group of 6 couples for cocktails and dinner on 6 occasions.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Been to lots of nude parties. Does that count? Nudists are social creatures you know. We love to get together and talk and play games and enjoy a wobbly pop or two.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
My boyfrend and I hosted a dinner party recently for a couple we'd met on a nude hike, so we decided we'd all be nude for the evening.
AngelofFail · 26-30, F
none that were announced as such... but some ended up like this anyway
Milkshake · F
any party can become a topless party if you brave enough....
chrisCA · M
@Milkshake Or drunk enough. 😅
Topless, party of one. ☺️
PassingThrough · 41-45, M
@DreamyCrush best party ever lol
jackson55 · M
Yes, nude parties, even a couple of nudist weddings.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@jackson55 Wow do people actually have nudist weddings? That’s cool. Were all the guests nude too?
jackson55 · M
@justanothername Not all, but most. The priest and service staff were not.
PassingThrough · 41-45, M
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
Many times 😎
ian2watt · 61-69, M
Yeah...well been to a CFNM and also a CMNF party and I loved both. Are you undecided as to whether or not to go? Try it you will love it!!
chrisCA · M
Can't say I have.
Wish I had!
Cantsayno · 56-60, M

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