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Most Excellent Tattoos....

What are your favorite celebrity/famous/other tattoos?
My #1 is Mick Mars from Mötley Crüe, I've Always loved his band of skulls around his top right arm, i think, it just looks great, it's in just the right spot, just above his bicep and just below the crown of his shoulder,
#2, The Undertaker's "Deadman" tattoo, on the inside of his right wrist/lower forearm, I've heard him tell the story of getting it after he won the WWF Title for the first time from Hulk Hogan, just cool
#3, George Clooney's <fake> trible tat in "From Dusk Til' Dawn",, just badass all the way around, bank robber in the movie, you can see it sneaking up from his collar bone the whole movie, then at the end we see it going the whole way down his arm, again, badass....
I'll try to add more as i think of them, thanks to @Funlov for the inspiration for this post!!
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Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
@JamieDeer (looks like they may have accidentally sat in some stain-based, alphabet soup?🤔😎
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
@JamieDeer ehhhhhhhh....
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
I know a guy that has a tattoo covering the top of his head that looks like his skull is broken open and the devil is climbing up out of the hole in his head. The detail and colors of the broken bone , torn flesh and blood is amazing.
Jackospade · 36-40
I have a jack of spades on my throat...
Fullmetal · 51-55, M
Mike Tyson's face tat! Cause no one had the balls to tell him differently!
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
@Fullmetal would you?! LOL,, i really don't like that one, he was such the icon when i was younger, i just thought it a bad move, but it's stood the test of time though!

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