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I Have a Piece of Jewellery That I Never Take Off

My first dog (the first one that I actually owned, not the first one in our house), Buddy, was put to sleep shortly before Christmas 2012. That was the hardest time in my life. Give me the abuse and molestation I've been through over giving me that pain any day. I still tear up about him to this day. My dad got me a dog bone charm for Christmas that year. It is the absolute best present I have ever gotten. I only take it off for my shower and bed. I have thought I lost it at work twice and lost it emotionally. I got Dominoe January 1, 2013. I now have a charm (heart with a dog inside) dedicated to him, as well. I will never take this necklace off. I plan to wear it on my wedding day and everything. I will never let it go. Losing it would take a part of it with me.

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