2 toerings
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DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@ManIsEatingEarthUpLikeCandy The HoEZ is HapPYz too. MonEYZ foRZ BiGz loVingz
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
Why did you email me? @DonaldTrumpet
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@Lauren2000 U is tupiCalz CrazYz LadYz. TrUmPz woulnTd be interesteDz. MoveZ On anDZ FinDz anothezr projecTx to MakeZ u thiNKx U impritNtz NuFF to waistZ imoriatnatz PotUz timEZ
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
PriZOnz nameZ banDz
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
Ok. You lost me! @DonaldTrumpet
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@Lauren2000 NOTz harDz to loosEz a WimENZ
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
Sorry. I don’t understand. But you got important stuff to sort out! @DonaldTrumpet
muffinman · 61-69, M
no class-ring from high-school?
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
No. It’s a pendant my eldest sister gave me. @muffinman

Don't lose it
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
Why are people saying stuff I don’t understand? @SW-User

@Lauren2000 I meant don't lose your necklace
Lauren2000 · 22-25, F
Thank you. It ain’t you. Other people.@SW-User