MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Wear what you want, but make choices that flatter your body type.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
Some people just don't like it. Or they may go with society and claim it's wrong since it's out of the normal dressing. Others just don't find it attractive to them, etc. There could be many reasons why it might put someone off. But I'm a crossdresser myself so I don't find anything wrong with it. If a boy/man wants to dress feminine then I'd still date him, maybe. If we have anything else in common that is. If not then we can just be good or best friends.
sally1981 · 41-45, F
I always say...........wear what you like and ignore the detractors.
katielass · F
Don;t let the judgmental people bother you.
lindabo · 36-40, T
They don:t anymore!
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I so wish society was ok with us in lingerie..dresses/skirts and heels.
lindabo · 36-40, T
Me to! We have to satisfy ourselves and dress how we want!
Bastard · 26-30, M
I say go for it.
ManicMicah · 26-30, M
It's just not their thing. I love to see guys (and girls as well) dressing in a way that doesn't conform to what society wants them to dress like. But as a gay male, I'm more attracted to a masculine male, myself.
lindabo · 36-40, T
Most of society has it all wrong!
Lizabee · F
I'm only put off when they dress like 80's hookers
Lol,we may look better in the clothes than biology women😜
lindabo · 36-40, T
Some of us look very nice looking dressed in Feminine clothing!!!
@lindabo: 😜💋

People fear what they don't understand and a lot of people are stupid

People are idiots.