Lauren19 · 26-30, F
I doubt anyone will much care on here mate!
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WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@Lauren19 Did i say you couldn't i asked why which is my speech freedom to do!
Lauren19 · 26-30, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 Whatever. What you think about stuff isn't my concern. I don't feel the need to explain myself. You, and your opinions are nothing to me.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@Lauren19 So then why the hell even interact with me i made a comment in the wrong place im sorry i wasted the energy originally!
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Wear flip flops

@AnonymousJSS I have done that in the past. It's definitely a very different yet interesting feeling. :)