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I prefer black myself, and I think it's all in what you like. If you like to wear black, wear black. Do what makes you happy 🙂
Jungleman · M
@twiigss thanks, i was feeling self conscious about it because my mother was telling me i should variate my colours and not to wear black all the i felt i was doing something unusual or 'out of the norm'- but i think i'll just be myself and wear black regularly, like you do. regards.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I was wearing black pants, black shoes and a striped shirt one day going to a Medieval Fair on campus. There was a light mist so I put on my black rain jacket and when i was there some strange people approached me trying to get me to join a “creativity” group…I tried to ignore but a woman kept talking at me and pressed a card into my hand. I suspected it was not just a creativity group she was inviting me to. Afterwards I realized it looked like I was wearing all black. Never did that again.
I suppose you look like you deliver Milk Tray