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monster007 · 46-50, F
lol... I guess so.... they want to grow them somewhere if they can....
To grow the hair that doesn't come on their head elsewhere?
Eh... to each their own, I'm not really a fan of guys with a beard...
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Beards are just really popular right now
Freefun74 · 51-55, M
Beards are cool. Even on bald guys.
Just to have a look -- give em a break.
Room66 · 36-40, F
Studies showed that men with beard attracts more women because of the high level testosterone and dihydrotestosterone "sex hormones in men "
The higher it is the more beard you'll grow but cause baldness
The higher it is the more beard you'll grow but cause baldness
🤔 maybe