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ExperienceDLT · M
You dont even have to imagine it life itself
is a big game of survival
is a big game of survival
NeoNeo · 46-50, M
I had something like that. The bus I'm travelling through gets in some kind of trouble and the driver is injured or dead. Noone else in the bus would dare to drive so I'd do that mighty task to save everyone.
I was not even a teenager then. :-D
I was not even a teenager then. :-D
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I always feel the loudest most aggressive person becomes the leader and not the most competent. I walk away, I'd rather look after myself than babysit foolish people. If anybody wants to come with me we'll operate as a co-operative leadership.
Reflection2 · M
Been there three times in my life and survived miraculously. Therefore, no desire to be in such situations again, neither any fantcy about it
No but I imagine confrontational situations with the others. It makes me well-prepared as to what to say in different settings.
@SW-User feisty Kardashian. 👀
gdon39 · 46-50, M
Haha. Plenty of people have that fantasy.
Mine is a bunch of people from the same company get a retreat in Mexico and it started out great but then things changed…….
Mine is a bunch of people from the same company get a retreat in Mexico and it started out great but then things changed…….
Mm not quite but when I play video games it feels like that somehow
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Sounds like a Sims game lol
AbbySvenz · F
No. I read Lord of the Flies
JustAmber · 41-45, F
Bang5luts · M
Dunno everything is relative this is similar worlds
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Yes...many times and can manage if I had to survive. Unfortunately, the way things are in the world right now, I might have to use those skills in my lifetime.