Authentic Greek.
Ferric67 · M
@MarbleMarvel 💪
bijouxbroussard · F
A steak, with mushrooms and gravy…I haven’t had that in years, and I might try it medium.
My best friend gives me a bad time because I like meat well-done. She once threatened to cook one of shoes and serve it.
"You won’t know the difference !" she said.
"Ha !" I replied. "You love your shoes much too much for that."
We were still laughing about it when her son got home. 😊
My best friend gives me a bad time because I like meat well-done. She once threatened to cook one of shoes and serve it.
"You won’t know the difference !" she said.
"Ha !" I replied. "You love your shoes much too much for that."
We were still laughing about it when her son got home. 😊
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I want to have Sauerbraten made by someone who knows what they're doing. 😌
I don't know. What's on yours?
@MsSwan pineapple cheesecake
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@pripyatamusementpark I highly recommend it.
NerdyPotato · M
The pizza in my fridge
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@NerdyPotato It's been there that long, huh? 😂
NerdyPotato · M
@DrWatson nah, only a day
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@NerdyPotato Then, go for it!
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I hope someday to have Peking Duck.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@DrWatson We have a family plan to get peking duck from a place in Vancouver at some point this year. I am excited.
SissySecrets · 46-50
Fresh scallops.
Tumbleweed · F
To sit in an authentic Greek restaurant and eat authentic dolmades 🤤🤤🤤
Jlhzfromep · M
bake & shark from Trinidad
hunkalove · 61-69, M
A small bowl of cold gruel. And two raisins .
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Omakase from a world-class sushi restaurant. The kind where you have to sell a kidney to get in.
being · 36-40, F
Pine ice cream
mindstruggle · F
Right now?
Gotta be Lechon 😭
Gotta be Lechon 😭
MethDozer · M
Not sure I have one
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@MethDozer omg tater tot casserole
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MethDozer · M
@SkeetSkeet tried it and it was 🤌🏻