Mizzie · 46-50, F
Nah, I hate when children are made to do this! It's so unnecessary. Children deserve respect too! Most adults forget that!
Badseed · 61-69, M
@Mizzie I grew up in an era when children never addressed adults by their first names. It was supposed to be about "respect," of course. But we kids had our own views of the adults in our lives and calling them "Mr./Miss/Mrs." didn't make us respect them any more than if we had been addressing them by their first names as other grownups did.
Serenitree · F
I think that children should be polite to all people, just as all people should treat children with respect. Kids are people. Unless they are disrespectful, they should be treated with respect. Now, if YOU want to be addressed as miss or ma'am, you can tell the children you know to do so. Some people prefer to be called by their name.
Nov. 27/16
2:29 pm
Nov. 27/16
2:29 pm

i agree. I am 21 and still required to address adults as sir, ma'am, or miss. Even online. Even my parents.Maybe it's Southern thing, but it shows respect and it reminds me to be respectful in other ways.
Not everyone likes to be addressed that way.. and respect comes in many different forms.. just keeping the tone of your voice and the way you speak in a respectful way is more than enough for most
Goralski · 56-60, M
Nah. ...I prefer my first name or dude
shadowplay · 26-30, M
my dad felt the same. not saying sir got a swift and terrible punishment,respect is one thing abuse is another
Daddyryab · 46-50, M
I agree, I expect my children to show respect to adults and call them by Mrs or Mr, can't use their first names unless they have said its ok
Serenitree · F
I always introduce myself to children by my first name, and if it's the parent who introduces me, I ask them to have the child call me by my first name.
Nov. 27/16
6:16 pm.
Nov. 27/16
6:16 pm.
Serenitree · F
I believe that children should be asked to call,the person in the manner which they prefer. I always introduce myself by my first name and ask the child to use it.
Simple courtesy is a wonderful gesture of respect. It’s s pity more people are not taught these things. Good for you

I'm also raised with that rule...
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Finerthings · 56-60, M
Yes ma'am
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
only if adults are mature enough to know what the HELL respect is.
i know many who weren't raised right and need a whipping something serious.
i know many who weren't raised right and need a whipping something serious.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
They might like that.😆
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Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
i'm 56,i still say sir and mam,even to those younger,
Rambler · 61-69, M
anderst · 46-50, M
Same by me

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Bodybag · 22-25, M
Adults almost got me shot and beat up. Ill respect you if you earn it.
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