TexChik · F
Hyperemesis is such a horrible thing. My doctor friend recommended smelling Isopropyl alcohol. Many people find that it stops the nausea. At first, I poured it on a rag and breathed it, but she thought that was too much. Just opening the bottle and taking a few whiffs did just as well and was safe. I hope it works for you, and it's not a systemic med, so it won't harm your baby. Congrats! ☺
KatSch · 41-45, F
Ginger can be effective.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@KatSch Ginger is a blood thinner, need to be really careful with it while pregnant.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
Vitamin B6
Lemons or oranges
Bananas, rice, dry toast, pickles, peanut butter, potato chips
Lemons or oranges
Bananas, rice, dry toast, pickles, peanut butter, potato chips