Lesley233 · F
Serious answer please, I was raped... And I don't know if its a bump or not
Amanda756 · 31-35, F
Stomach fat and early pregnancy belly can look the same. Won't know until you miss your period (and even that's not a good indicator b/c some women get their periods when pregnant) or get blood drawn.
Amanda756 · 31-35, F
Really? You don't know if you're pregnant or not? You think the internet can determine that?
Lesley233 · F
I have no way of getting there/paying etc, I'm too scared to tell my parents
dashwolf · 26-30, M
It is honestly hard to tell, has it changed much in the past month?
BigBrother · 31-35, M
Some of us are here if you ever need any help.
FootballLife · M
I think u have a cute tummy and u look very athletic and in great shape. U won't know until other signs happen. So sorry to hear that tho honey. I'm always here if u wanna talk
Ivana · F
sorry to hear that lesley why dont you go to the doc ?
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Not fat
Picture can't say about pregnancy
Picture can't say about pregnancy
Boobsandbellylover · 31-35, M
You look pregnant to me, if you ever need anyone to talk to i'm just a message away 😚
Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
... is that even fat...?
th3r0n · 41-45, M
You just look sexy to me, though finding out that you're a virgin definitely adds attraction to the extreme
Ivana · F
dam baby got booty
BarryKlob · 46-50, M
Take a pregnancy test. It's more reliable than a bunch of jackasses on the internet.
pettyprincess · 26-30, F
How long ago where you raped?
BarryKlob · 46-50, M
Are your parents from a culture where being raped is seen as a form of adultery and you will be either shamed or killed as a result?
BarryKlob · 46-50, M
Pregnant. It's a boy. He's going to be a big asshole!