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14 weeks and 6 days to go...

So in the early hours of the morning I was woken up by my Congolese neighbours chanting.

This went on for an hour between 2 and 3am.

I eventually went back to sleep sometime after 4am. Only for my alarm to ring at 6am.

I was suffering from a headache, heartburn, nausea and I knew I was constipated.

Unfortunately I called in sick to work.

I just needed the rest.

Doggy joined me in bed and happily snoozed I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk but he opted to bury himself under the covers. So I fed and then walked him at 11am. We took a very slow 45 min walk.

It's not everyday that I feel like this but every now and then I have days where I'm ready to have this baby already.

Today is one where my mood is rather low.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
Some people are so inconsiderate, one thing I hate about living in a city.

It’s good that you got to rest anyway, you have to take it where you can get it.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Mellowgirl Life is about give and take, they didn’t get the memo.

They also didn’t get the memo about not pissing off pregnant women, luckily for them you seem quite civil, all things considered.

Also they got married on Friday the 13th? 😬
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@DHggmu yes I think she has got a very entitled mindset. In directly her husband warned me of this so I have taken that onboard.

She is a very unusual character.

I could make more of an issue but as the saying goes don't crap where you live.

There are other neighbours friendly less in need and a few others who can't seem to manage their money and ask for financial help as if I'm a piggy bank so I swerve them.

I take each day as it comes. Avoid those I don't like and interact with those that don't cost me anything.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Mellowgirl Oh yeah, I’m not having the best time with neighbours either, mainly because they let their kids run rampant in the street and they tease my dog, which is a big no for me, on a few occasions now I’ve gone out and told them not to, while their dad just looks on.

They ask you for money? That’s so bizarre, you certainly have some “interesting” neighbours.

A good way to live.

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