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Imagine Catering to Men Fetishizing Your Pregnancy

And blocking women who call you out. People like that don't deserve children.
deadteddy · 26-30, F
I like to believe those accounts are men impersonating pregnant women because that’s their fetish. I highly doubt a woman who is in love with her new baby will put herself out like that to pervs. It can happen, but considering it’s SW it’s most likely a fake account.
WhyThooo · 31-35
@deadteddy I was thinking about that too. I hope you're right. Still gross to use a woman's pictures to do that but at least they wouldn't have access to the kids that way.
Magenta · F
Fetishizing pregnancy is beyond gross.
Why do you care?
WhyThooo · 31-35
@AnonymousJSS Neither of you deserve children. Or an internet connection. Or any access to public spaces or children. Then I don't care.
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@WhyThooo You were a woman who got upset that another woman was pregnant and enjoying attention.

It offended you either because she was pregnant or getting attention or not being what YOU wanted HER to be.

So as long as women act in accordance with YOUR demands, it's ok?

That sounds a lot like being controlled by a guy.

Why do you care about how someone else handles their femininity, their pregnancy, their life?

It's none of your business. "Called her out" because she didn't match YOUR ideas?!

Go be a Fascist elsewhere.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Judgemental a bit?
WhyThooo · 31-35
@UndeadSona true story
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s absolutely disgusting and even worse when people defend it.
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