I took a test last night after drinking lots of water all day it was negative took one when I first woke up it was negative at first but I saw the negative and didn't wait the full 10minutes and put it in my drawer my gut told me to take another look later in the day it was positive so tell me is it an Evap or a not ? Also the thin line is blue
@EnigmaticGeek awe really I'm sorry and thankyou but my bf still having a hard time believing I am he's gonna get a digital test soon but I'm sad because I just want him to believe me
@BlackAphrodite use another test. The ones at Walmart that costs $1 is much better or else use a clear blue one. I know those and they never work great. But it looks positive. Also on that test which looks like First Response the line will disappear in a day or two wheras some of the others keep the line. I got a little obsessed when I unexpectedly fell pregnant and could not believe it so bought several ones. I hate those. If you dont trust the Walmart $1 ones (but they are really good) buy the Clear Blue Digital one that actually says in words on the screen Pregnant. But it does look pregnant yes.