LadyWioness · 56-60, F
What does your niece want?
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oldfashionmommy · 61-69, F
@ZenLioness: I know. I just wanted to do something different for her. But you are right.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
@oldfashionmommy: I think an under the sea theme is cute. She'd love it
beckychandler · F
What the child wants is always an important factor in these things, but it is far from being the only or even the most important consideration.

Tea party is a great idea, I remember having one of those...
Clairebare · 26-30, F
Disney Princess party!!!!
oldfashionmommy · 61-69, F
that would be sweet to. Everyone can dress as a princess or prince but I doubt the boys would want to come to a tea party.
freebird · F
Disney tea party?
mrmoose · 70-79, M
tea party, something new and different for her