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Newborns and navigating schedules..

My partner is currently looking for work whilst I am on maternity leave.

I'm really grateful for the time I have with him even though I know it's important that he secures something new.

More so because it has taken such a massive toll on his mental health and confidence.

Our 18 day old baby has been keeping us on our toes...
And consequently the lack of sleep has lead to some really intense arguments.
3 so far. Which have involved my partner needing to pack up his stuff to leave.

Anyways to try and find a resolution.

My partner stated that once he wakes up he is unable to go back to sleep.
So he wakes up between the hours of 6-8 am. He then walks the dog. And comes back to relieve me from the night shift.

I sleep somewhere between 2 and 4 hours and then I'm back up again. As I would have pumped before going to bed that allows him to feed baby and top up with formula.
I try and stay up for as long as I can manage but once I notice milk production is tapering.

I do the 15 mins afternoon dog walk then I head off for a nap.

I then get up around 4 pm and stay up until 9pm.

Pump for the 11pm feed then head off to bed.

When I wake I'm up from 11pm straight through until he gets up. Between 6 and 8am.

So far it's working... He says mentally he's still not in a good place but it has been giving us some space and some time to just get on with things without getting in each others faces...

As a new family. How did you navigate this period of time?
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
Bottom line is no one is gonna get enough sleep

My partner and I fought and still fight a ton so I get it

I breastfed and we didn't end up using bottles at all. He got to sleep and I barely did. I didn't pump on a schedule, only when I felt like it or had to after going too long w.o. Actually my partner had to be gone for a week when my son turned 2 weeks, and then came home for a weekend and then left for another week and I was alone, far far from any family and friends. Yeah and he was good about changing diapers in the first 3 or so months but at this point he hasn't changed a diaper in a month And probably 20 total the last 6 months.

Yeah 👍🏻 I don't think I'm helping you

Congratulations on your babe. It's a really emotional time right now for both of you. I hope you guys make it through alright and enjoy that sweet, beautiful, amazing perfect newborn stage because before you know it it's gone! 🥺💞🎉🧡
My husband couldnt work - visa nonsense - and she was prem, so her feeds were every 2 hours as they were so small. It was tough, but I thrive on little sleep, so rested when I could.

Do what feels right for you x

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