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For those of you raising or who have raised a bilingual child

What did that look like during early stages of language development? Did they prefer one language over another, mix words and phrases, etc? I'm just curious to hear about your experiences.
GunFinger · F
I'm in the process of teaching them Tagalog. They're now learning body parts. They prefer to speak English. It's good that way because all their friends are Australian. Atleast when we travel it's not too hard for them. Teaching them while they're young.😊
GunFinger · F
@KiwiBird yeah but they're fast learners it's ok.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@GunFinger You should have one day a week where Tagalog is the only language spoken. Hubby too lol.
GunFinger · F
@KiwiBird hubby is funny when he pronounces. He's hopeless.🤣
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
We made sure they were fluent in English first then sent them to barnehage aged three and half. Six months later they were indistinguishable from the natives. They rarely mixed up the two languages (English and Norwegian).

I on the other hand being 30 years older took five years to achieve my fluent bad accent and am now able to be simultaneously tongue tied in two languages and even more often only able to bring to mind a word in the language I'm not speaking.

Throwing an English word into a Norwegian sentence doesn't bother most Norwegians but dropping a Norwegian word into a conversation with an English speaker tends to derail things.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I can't answer but the question fascinates me. How the mind works speaking multiple languages. What language do you think in and the instant translation while speaking. To my pea brain it's baffling
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Gibbon it actually baffles my mind as well, because I didn't start learning our language until I was an adult. I've never seen the processing from the beginning stages of language development before.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
No kids myself. Yet I was raised in a bilingual family. Actually mom spoke three and dad spoke seven. Yet German was the family language.

I learned, yet I didn't learn it very well at all. Not even after going to Germany.

I preferred the language of my friends and those around school and of course babysitters.

I didn't spend a lot of time with family. The next youngest was 16 years older than me.

Interesting that you mentioned mixing words.

My mother, late in Life, actually did mix words of all three languages. Not my father though.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@DeWayfarer so you spoke German at home but still didn't learn it as well? Super interesting.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SwampFlower I spoke broken German at home and my cousins kids in Germany called me die große boob (the big baby) because of that! Even at 14.

The little twerps are off to the right. 🤣And I am on the left! My Aunt is to the right of me!
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Our 15 month old will be bilingual. We’re speaking to him in English more tho but so far I haven’t seen any concerns
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@TurtlePink Does he seem to prefer a language? Or use more words in one or another?

I'm not really concerned I just find it so fascinating watching mine grapple with both
dale74 · M
My daughter did not talk much at all till she was over 3 with Vietnamese and English
We were told not to mix languages mid sentence when she was really, really young as it could be confusing. Other than that, her preference is English but she uses the odd Greek word here and there
empanadas · 31-35, M
My parents threw me into a school based on the american system in latin america, so i would forget how to speak spanish while living in the states.

Not sure if there's a tagalog school nearby where they can go on the weekends or after school
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@empanadas ohh okay. Sorry I misunderstood.
empanadas · 31-35, M
@SwampFlower naw my bad i was losing my mind when i commented apparently lmao 🤣
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@empanadas shiiit it happens lmao
My cousin married a Mexican woman in december 1990, their children took to both Spanish and English quite naturally with each.

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