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Be careful online guys

I’m not a parent so i will probably get so much backlash for this but it needs to be said. Stop giving your kids unlimited/ unrestricted access to the internet. Especially little kids, I can give it a pass for teens because they’re much older; however i still think some monitoring needs to be done.

Someone messaged me here, their pfp was a little girl and she couldn’t have been more than 9 or 10 years old, her profile had no age and no pictures except the one. Im thinking this is either the parent or some complete stranger who is using a childs picture. Most likely a stranger cause a parent wouldve at least had some posts if not pictures.

Which brings me back to my point, please watch who interacts with your kids online, and watch for people who take a liking to your kids when you’re mentioning them or posting them online. Im not telling you how to parent im just saying it because now there’s some weirdo out there using some little girl’s picture, and there’s probably alot more out there like that.

Usually when people steal childrens photos and post them as their pfp, they will pretend to be that child in order to get closer to other children like her. It’s a very common tactic among predators, and can be very effective.

So if you see anyone like this please report and make others aware.

If you see anyone named Kimber51 be careful
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
The fact that i can see their profile means its a fake because I have mine filtered where it blocks all content and messages from users under 18.

Thankfully I can trust my teenagers online because they can spot this stuff faster than I can. Some 28 yr old messaged my at the time13 year old on a kids game. Pretty sure this dude thought twice after she let him have it
littlelia · 18-21, F
@LilPrincess smart kid
Thank you for the head's up, children should never be used as bait for someone to get their jollies
Good advice. I hope you reported that profile too.
littlelia · 18-21, F
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
It's nothing new you are saying. And no one really cares about it, but a few good people like yourself looking out for the well being of children. Thanks for the information but like I said no one really cares abt the welfare of children but a few. And that why nothing changes. Take care
littlelia · 18-21, F
@Abbenthewarwolf “thanks for caring about children but nobody else does so you’re wasting your time”
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@littlelia it's only a waste of time when you care and then do nothing abt it. Have a blessed day
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I have always had those parental controls set up. Still do for some types of websites even though my kids are 18+
littlelia · 18-21, F
@Jenny1234 that’s a bit far… i mean like for kids 18 and under
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@littlelia when you’re a mom of five you’ll understand
littlelia · 18-21, F
@Jenny1234 if your kids are 18+ they should be able to explore things freely as long as it’s not harmful to them or others.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Parents should already have the cautious mindset with their younger children when it comes to the internet, if not then something is wrong 🤷🏾‍♂️
@Workerbee John Walsh started his America's Most Wanted show due to his own son being kidnapped in the late 70's, that case became the made for tv movie, Adam.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@NativePortlander1970 funny you mention Adam Walsh, I read about his son's story on wikipedia very very sad situation
@Workerbee I remember it hitting the national news as a breaking story when they found his body, it pre empted a tv show we were watching at the time.
100 to 1 Vegas odds that "little girl" is most likely an adult pedo catfishing to get photos of real kids, I know someone that got busted doing that in 2012, none of us knew he was like that.
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@someonefromsomewhere1 are you still on this? Just make a post already.

Also, it's very ironic you spam this reply under a post about a creepy profile. 😅

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