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Any moms here?

How did youlearn to cope with parenthood?
I feel im not a good mom. Everytime i get on video call with my mom shes criticizing 2 things or more. I also give too much tv time to my 7 month old i have no idea what im doing.
I motly let him play with his toys and let the television play.... i do a decent job but how do i get better?
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Cyxtia · 18-21, F
Advice I heard my cousin: you are your kids mom you know them better than anyone else and you get to decide what is best for them!

Stay strong girly💜
Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
Not a mum or dad but worked with children in a kindergarten youngest was a montg older than your son. So yeah most Importent talk with him and let him explore differnt things. Motion and feeling stuff is what he does most. Just check he can't get stuff that's small. He will put quiet alot into his mouth since the senses there are the best. So he could easily swallow things.
I'm a dad, not a mom; our kids are in their 20s now.

(1) letting your mom micro-manage you seems like a bad idea. If she wants to come spend time with the toddler, she can do things her way at those times. You need to do what works for you.

(2) There are no hard & fast rules about too lenient, too strict, too little or too much TV. What matters most to a child is parental attention and adult attention. Are you mostly in the room with the toys and the TV? Are you communicating from time to time, giving him regular lap time, cuddle time, or whatever? Is there another parent or adult around to also give attention?

Giving attention, trading smiles hugs and affection, communication, trying to understand what he needs; trying to communicate what you want from him; these are the important things.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Turn off the tv and put away your phone. Read, play with, and talk and sing to your baby. Put the baby in the stroller and go for long walks. And stop talking so much to your mother
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
You could turn the television off and play with him. No one needs television.

When our children were small they mostly watched videos )on tape no less!) rather than broadcast television. This meant that there was an element of choice and decision making involved on all sides. It was also possible to say "Not now, but later." and actually be honest.

Of course now there is Netflix, etc., so life is not quite so simple. But that can also be cancelled.
Uglyduckling6 · 22-25, F
@ninalanyon thank you
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Uglyduckling6 Good luck, and try not to let your mother or anyone else (especially us random internet people) influence you too much. Pick out the good bits and quietly ignore the rest. Just focus on your child and bring him up to be a good person.
HumanEarth · F
I am a Dad Now a Grandpa

I was thrown into it. My girlfriend at the time try to hide her pregnancy from me.
I'd tell her to stfu and mind her own business, my mother did that same bullshit to my stepsisters, but behind their backs saying it to others, one of my stepsister's aunts nearly punched my mother over it, I always wish that she had.

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