Not the nicest thing to do to a female
Weather she deserved it or not
Weather she deserved it or not
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It took place in her house
Her house her rules
Her house her rules
Lynda70 · F
@clj56hammer: So when she visits a mans house, it's OK for him to hit her if she doesn't do as he tells her?

Respect for his Aunt and her home

First of all why did she hit you ?

@Jamiemcd: You should have explained her , its also not fair enough for your to get hit if wasn't your mistake. But kicking her was lame
Jamiemcd · 22-25, M
@Breadroll: I did explain to her but she didn't listen

@Jamiemcd: Too bad of her
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coary987 · M
Then you are just a bully
Boris .
You know what that's like when boys do that to you?
You are being just like them picking in someone small .
Boris .
You know what that's like when boys do that to you?
You are being just like them picking in someone small .
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coary987 · M
@Boristheman2001: you let me down young man .
adshaw · 36-40, M
Did she slap you across the face or something? If she didn't and was disciplining you, why'd you go and kick her? Even if you find her rules unreasonable to react that way just puts you in a bad light.
coary987 · M
Why did she hit you young man?
Jamiemcd · 22-25, M
Cuz I didn't do what she said

Jamie why did your Aunt hit / slap you ??
Jamiemcd · 22-25, M
Because I didn't do what she said

Was it in her house
Jamiemcd · 22-25, M
@clj56hammer: yeah
Billyj · 61-69, M
I think it is disrespectful to hit an adult. Personally, I think you should have got spanked for that. If an adult hits you then you probably deserved it.

She did deserve it though kicking her back sounds harsher than her hitting you.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Take her in the bedroom and spank her arse - you will be more than surprised with her expression
Jamiemcd · 22-25, M