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Lol so basically mama's golden child doesn't get along with the rest of us "unfavourite" siblings.

Lots of unresolved childhood issues there for all of us. She's just like mom! Sort of a petty narcissist who can't brush the stupidest things off until she wins. And she makes sure she always wins! And mama makes sure she always wins. They're petty, the two of them together. So Monday morning she displaced her anger on me. I started screaming at her. Lo and behold she already had a comeback planned and was waiting to release it. Her sly body language always gives it away. She also made sure that I knew she was in control of the situation and that our mother is never going to do justice among us and that she'll never have to face any consequences for all the mindf.uck she's done to us over the years. And yep. I was right. My mother was extremely mad about me screaming but not mad about HER screaming or that she was shi.tting on me for no reason at all. Anyway fast forward to today, my sister comes back from work all mad as usual because I had had chai in her mug. So I washed it real quick. Anyway. I'm watching this YouTube clip of a Netflix TV show and she passes by me and is suddenly intrigued. "Ooohh what is this that you're watching?" I didn't respond. Like the creep that she is, she brings her dinner plate and her phone from her bed to the sofa beside mine uninvited so that she can have a view of what I'm watching. It thoroughly annoys me. Sometimes she just halts and stands behind me like a serial killer and stares into the screen to see what I'm watching. Wtf. Bi.tch go watch on your own laptop.
I closed that tab and put on blogging theology because she hates religious studies lol. When she didn't flinch, I asked her why she's resting her foot on my good scarf? That sent her away.
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JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@assemblingaknob So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him

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